IWM Reopens Medical Waste Treatment LCP Plant to Serve Hospitals in the NCR


Integrated Waste Management (IWM), the waste management company of AC Logistics reopened its newly refurbished Medical Waste Treatment Plant located at the Lung Center of the Philippines (LCP), Quezon City last February 13.

Joseph Quesada, Chief Operating Officer of IWM said on Tuesday, “The re-opening of our medical waste treatment facility at the Lung Center of the Philippines brings our services closer to hospitals and medical facilities in the area. The facility can treat up to 10 tons of medical waste per day from clinics, hospitals, and healthcare facilities.”

This onsite medical waste treatment facility will collect, store, process, and properly dispose hazardous medical wastes of hospitals and other health facilities in the National Capital Region.

IWM’s mission is to help businesses achieve their sustainability objectives by handling and returning their waste to circularity instead of diverting to landfills. Aside from medical wastes, IWM also processes non-hazardous wastes such as recyclables, compostables, and residuals. With a refreshed brand, IWM will continue to innovate its facilities and expand its capabilities to help address the waste management challenges of its clients.

“[Our collaboration] with the treatment storage and disposal (TSD) facility of IWM completes the system that we need so that we can assure our clients in the healthcare sector that all of their infectious wastes are properly disposed.” Joel Espineli, President of Cleanhaul Environmental Services, Inc. which is IWM’s partner since 2002.

The LCP plant first opened in 2008 and was closed for renovation last December.